Tuesday, October 31, 2006
i'd been on tenderhooks over xiju and dramabox lately, suddenly springing up when remembering smth i forgot or getting shocked up from sleep after dreaming about something related to huahui. was late today, and walked in to sch with a person which caused me to be under huge stress, hahha. thank god mr imran was in a good mood. by the way, happy birthday joanne and sarah (: worried about some other stuff, but i guess its not time for me to speak yet. im endangering myself for sunday again. Monday, October 30, 2006 alright i really cant not mention this; yesterday at orchard saw this lamborghini(aiyah dunno how to spell), black and yellow and man its so cool, a crowd of ppl were around it with their cameras and phones snapping it. it was really really cool! spent around 8 or 9 hours watching shows today, cried countless times over aiqingmofashi (goes berserk) and went googoogaga over wei xiao pasta (: aiyah, another mood spoiler. chinese O's tomorrow. no feeling. forgot to blog! aye, lazy to talk le la. good luck to e veryone esp sec4s! Saturday, October 28, 2006 woke up to intensive flute practice again, two hours this time. and im still very very scared of tomorrow's lesson ): went to my aunt's new condo this afternoon for some workouts; its the first time i exercised properly in a gym, thats cool :D i burnt 300 calories! and believe it or not, i shed 400 grams. hahah. i think its the loss of water and not fats though. had dinner at hougang, and went to walk with new friend again. she sneaked out! and she stole her phone! zai la zai la. and she is kinda deranged today. and she looks happy somehow (my observation). out of her prison mah. aiqingmofashi! :D abit slow but yeah hahha. Friday, October 27, 2006 cellgroup was really great (: the people were nice, and i learnt and understood some stuff too. though i would not put these words on my lips, i really want to say it today, i thank Jesus my Lord, for all the things he has done for us, planned for us. (my blog prohibits capital letters so the J and L are not capitalised, im sorry) oh by the way, i am a christian now, or rather since a month or two ago. (it is my own choice and only a few people know) the rest of the day's boring, read the chinese compo book. ugh lousy. like it'll ever help. Thursday, October 26, 2006 i'd never counted how many people are actually online at this hour, and just now when i did, there were 68. alot ah! im not proud to say that i had my fifth packet of myojo this morning. i swear its not a case of suicide by msg but murder by my dearest mother. i love lishi meetings! fell asleep on the sofa at 8pm, and was rudely awaked by my house phone's superloud retro ringtone. was quite irritated by my brother's agenda, and felt even more nettled after realising my parents had switched off the fan when they went out somewhere. and before that, i was in the middle of a very weird dream, i dreamt that my hamster bred(i only have one hamster) and there were 3 baby hamsters and 6 adult sized hamsters. they were crawling all over the kitchen top and floor, and i was frantically trying to catch all of them. and when i was about to grab this baby one, suddenly all the other adult hamsters pounced on me!!!(maternal instincts? :/) i could feel one on the sole of my foot so i cant put my foot down otherwise i would crush it. i even felt its heartbeat. was damn miserable but thank god the phone rang. hahha. attempted to go back to sleep after listening to my bro yack, but my nose bled so i couldnt get to sleep(it contributed to my impatience). since harkhui said ai sha 17 is nice. i shall go watch it. but why must wendy reveal the storyline! ): Wednesday, October 25, 2006 is it blogger or is it my computer? :/ anyway, celebrate my 600th post!! was listening to my mum's conv over the phone with my brother just now, and i feel seriously ugh. she never fails to call him everyday to ask what he wants to eat for dinner, and she heck cares about me. i've already had my fourth packet of maggimee of the week today. had a huge row with her in the morning, and i retreated to locking myself in the room (i didnt mind as long as i had the computer, the fan, my phone and water) but five hours later when i went out i immediately regretted having been inside an airtight room because the weather was cool and nice; i missed my sleeping chance again! but anyhow i wouldn have been able to sleep cos first i was too angry and second i had to do more chinese shit stuff. i dropped my rubber band behind my parents' bed, the kind where you cant get out unless you move the whole bed away. alright. i shall retrieve it maybe 5 years down the road when they decide to change their bed. put my current fav songs into a playlist and listened all afternoon. they did wonder in making me feel better. must bring travel declaration form and thermometer tomorrow! aye, speaking of that my mum has been insane over the china trip since before my exams even started. and heck, the trip's in december. so excited for what? im going to see if you're gonna break your promise again. Tuesday, October 24, 2006 lazy, lazy, lazy. had quite a talk after midnight till 3am with xulaoshi, regarding xijuzu and the plans for the rest of the year. im still quite amused by her, and she never fails to blow my cover ): (not really used correctly, that phrase) woke up only to be angry with my mum over a couple of small things. but basically she's just infilcting her moodswings on me. if it were anyone more impatient than me, she would have left the house five years ago. continued watching liuxinghuayuan with new friend. less fighting today, but nevertheless fought a little over whether i should cook her lunch. she eat so little that freak, boo. and she forced me to do work, cries. but whats cool is she did some of my chinese papers for me haha! :D thanks man, for being a great company (: attempted to sleep after she walking her home, but only 5 min later i was woken up to my displeasure by my dad. forgot what he wanted though. but im still resenting over that mere 5 min of sleep ): so deprived! the weather was so nice... Monday, October 23, 2006 i can say today is the most intriguing day in sch everysince after the exams! hahha. right in the morn power98 fm came and they were quite good in controlling the sec3s. many ppl were quite amused by the way jensen puts his arm under his armpits :s then it was loose cannon next, and man, their last performance, their own creation of a shakespearean play, strongly reminded me of "ou yeah!" for the benefit of people who doesnt know or has forgotten(stares at new friend), "ou yeah!" is the play huahui xiju zu did for cca fair, with luomi OU and zhuli yeah! hahha. though ours is much more lousy than theirs, at least we did something similar horh? hahhahah (: liyi pangsehed me during recess today, was actually feeling alright about it until she apologised. tsk! i dont like ppl apologising to me larh! like that then make me angry lorh. booo. draw alot of pasta chaorens during the sexuality talk. liyi rejoiced in bullying pamela; yanzhu and cecilia were angry at us! chinese lesson, quite sad about wangjian laoshi leaving ): he sang again, and its most probably the last time we will hear him sing. and he sings really really well. he pointed out each and everyone of our characteristics in our zuowens. he actually remembered, he didnt have to look for our paper. thats the really xi4 xin1 part of him that i like. hahhaha sounds wrong. had meeting with around half the sec3s after lunch. was really productive, i was shocked by my own idea :D anyway yeyou's gonna be really really cool. and definitely freaky. beware, lower sec. tested the trail with a few ppl, the braver ones(and the more energetic ones) were wendy harkhui mingshan ameline jieying and yours truly :D the rest were either too freaked out or too tired. how the lower sec live like that! okay i think it is pretty eerie man (: i love yeyou by redbadge! night was fun, went to walk with new friend. i seriously dunno how come she can laugh like nuts man. and the problem is shes laughing at me! hurrrr. but nvm. laughing is good -hides and cries- lifted logs, jumped for the bars, sat around and played with the uhhh... spring horses? what do you call those :/ there was this dog(if im not wrong a collie) and man i couldn stop staring at it :D finally when we waited till ten plus and the guys got off the basketball court then we went to invade, heh. watched some kids play around and... we played with them! heh innocence of childhood. alright. to my nae sarang patjwi now :D -dreams of jangnara- Sunday, October 22, 2006 ![]()
liyi dont dare post this, i dare! haha. that was when we were acting beng in chi resource room.
feeling really tired, fell asleep in the middle of playing flute (like how is that even possible). so maybe after this post im off to lalaland.
the day was fun-ly spent wahah, new friend came over and we continued watching liuxinghuayuan, though half the time she was buried in her husband aka laofuzi (i added the husband part). watched 3 episodes and chilled out after that, got into a huge fight again, snatching paintbrushes like little kindergarten kids, trying to trap each other under blankets and attacking with the cushion and bolster. her weakness was tickling and mine was my hair; i wonder why it amuses her so much to see me in a horrible messy state -_- evil. then finally we were both tired, she slept and i read her laofuzi.
there's yeyou meeting tomorrow, cheers i cannot wait! wahahahha.
if i wake up later, i resolute to do chinese work. -nods- Saturday, October 21, 2006 5 more posts to the 600th. wanted to speedblog when i came home in the afternoon but there was not time to do so. so to benefit my satisfaction, i shall blog the line i wanted to: im so angry at my mother!!!!! but anyway i cant rmb why im angry already. hahaha. kbox was super great! with amah, and we did what we desired, choosing all the s.h.e songs and sing till we dropped! it was a happy affair, cos its hard to find someone who shares the same sentiments abt this girl band anywhere else. however the boo boo was that given the 3 hours, we do not have enough time to finish all the songs we set. cries! a few parts were funny, where the microphones protested to our constant screaming into it :D was scolded over the phone and i had to rush home, and the min i stepped into the house i had to go out again. @)*($^(#(^)*( tired you mei you! slept in the front seat, so my dad asked me to move to the candrinks compartment behind to sleep cos my leg was too long for the front seat and made everyone uncomfortable. sleeping at the back was alright, at least i could lie down but the cardboards were super slippery and somehow i found my subconscious being sliding up and down. there was a moment where i found myself really dizzy(but very thrilling!) and i cant rmb anything next; i'd either fainted or fallen asleep -_- went to bugis, met up with my uncle, aunt and cousin. he grew taller, bless him. my mum made me her bag carrier and i had to follow her around the brassiere sections in OG for a total of one hour! lucky i had my music to accompany me(stuck to kimjeonghoon still, smitten.) or i would have switched to a total pest mode. while my mum was queueing up for the free pearls(which you get after spending $20) i was examing some hager until i had the instinct to look up and HEY! i saw june walking past -_- and with my 'without-thinking-through-big-brain' reaction i shrieked her name which gave both her mum and her a shock and june went past making some super weird noises she always does when she's frightened. HAHAHHA! met her a few more times around the place, and boo i made some stupid mistakes :X ate and home. mann, when am i gonna be determined enough to pick up some chinese stuff to do?? Friday, October 20, 2006 While blogger decides to play me again today, I shall blog in word yet again. Chinese lesson was damn damn shiok! Cos wangjian laoshi had to tend to 4 truth, we had our whole 2 and a half hours totally free! So being someone who cannot study in class, I went out to the balcony and I took my bag as my pillow; covered my eyes with my tie and fell asleep right away. Till recess liyi woke me up and cheers! Felt really fresh :D The public speaking workshop was relatively interesting(for me, at least) though the filming part was horrible. Tsk, I really cant speak to a non-living thing for 5 min? I talked about sleep =___= and I ate up all my words :s Cecilia and I were stuck together for the refreshments duty at ngee ann poly for the national colours award ceremony. The auditorium is seriously marvelous? Met grace from st theresa’s, friend from SLC. Anyway we all became waitresses. Most people served food from the buffet table but Cecilia inez charlotte and I went to the VIP drinks section. We would have to pour out punch, coffee and tea and help them with the milk and sugar. So when the guests came out, I was immediately pushed into the crowd with a tray full of fruit punch shoved into my arms by miss lim. so I went around with a smile plastered onto my face, repeating this line over and over again “hi, would you like a drink?” It actually felt quite good serving the VIPs until I had to meet some irritating students from dunno what school. Bahhhh, not funny lah, the things they say ): Anyhow besides serving, we were somehow in charge of collecting and delivering the used plates and cups to the station where the used utensils are kept. Then the crowd started to die down and just when we were super lethargic we heard this statement “you all can go eat now”. our reactions were all the same; stone a few moments, start giving astonished looks and after a second scream and chionggggg for the vip’s buffet! Just when I made a fool of myself at the buffet table, mrs tan teased me and called my name. I was so shocked! She even knew my cca! Like, we’ve never ever talked? Bus-ed with Cecilia, weiling, lynn and wenshin! Sat with lynn and wenshin and goodness, laughed until stomachache(on top of the skirt strangling my waist) the bus journey was one and a half hour, so long! But we switched to 156 at hwachong and talked quite awhile to weiling (: Night time went out with parents, dragged new friend along hahaha. Wanted to go to seletar resevoir or smth, but in the end we drove till north point -_- apparently my mother wanted to buy stuff. Half the shops there were closed though. Anyhow, after buying the stuff we did still go to the reservoir! On the other side of the road is the sea, how cool! Walked the length of the stretch of the resevoir and the seaside, many lame things happened (okay we never do anything sane :D). saw rats, how cute. Threw stones and I was quite shocked how far the stone could go. When we were about to leave the reservoir, nf was trying to get rid of a stone so she just threw without any commitment over the rocks into the water. However, there was not enough energy and the stone landed on the bank. Little did we know there was actually a bird resting right on the spot, so the sudden landing of the stone scared the bird, which flew away in a flutter and SHOCKED US!!! It was super comical. Fridays nights are great (: and nf, I will draw you my lucky happy charm! Okay I almost fell asleep. Thursday, October 19, 2006 how can there be such an incorrigibly, disgustingly, revoltingly smug, proud, full-of-herself person in the world!! i really wanted to throw the whole bowl of chendol at her. anyhow, lishi meeting after school today was really... breathtaking like always. though half the time i had stomach upset and just stoned listening, the whole 'planning' atmosphere was there and we got really high when reminded of some good news (: some LD ppl said hi to us before they went for their cca and when they ended their cca and saw us still there they were damn shocked! i liked chinese lesson today. spent an hour plus in chinese resource room(wangjian laoshi let us) slacking while the rest of the class were in class watching di xia tie. there was only charmaine, liyi and me, as well as mengtian(who was reading comics in a corner) and we just went high over goong! den charmaine doodled all the significant objects from goong, and me and liyi retreated to singing our duets again. the girl damn lame lar, like that also cannot maintain eyecontact. sing love song dont maintain eye contact how to blend? lousy. hahah. got chased out by dilligence and faith so we went back to class and watched the rest of di xia tie. sweet show and i love the songs! Wednesday, October 18, 2006 now that i put up my current fav song, i feel so much better. anyone that drops by, spare 4 min to listen to this song, its awesome (: yu ri, sung by kim jeong hoon (hears screams). its a rotten day. nothing to do with results. Tuesday, October 17, 2006 alright, so when have i ever been glam onstage? ever since i came into stnicks, other than in my first qihang, the rest of the times on the stage i either act goofy or do stupid weird stuff. so today isnt much of a blow to me. haha! chinese lesson was a time for sleep, was really tired for some reasons. and liyi still refuses to tell me the thing! i dont care, must be j or v le. cca again, drama lessons were great as usual! ah, biomechanics is damn cool. and good job today laypeng and shaorou! Monday, October 16, 2006 woke up feeling damn stressed not because of the papers but cos of the things i had to do. ahhh! wheres my court shoes! im so so so gonna embarrass myself tomorrow. ughhhhh! discussion with two purity was quite fun actually. something weird happened! while i was trying to explain to the sectwos our point, i was talking for quite long and suddenly i got cut off by a 2P monitor who suddenly blurted: WHY YOUR VOICE SO NICE AH? everyone pengs!!! i was just talking!! and i didnt know how to reply except "HUH???!" the rest of the 3p/2p ppl were laughing quite hard at her sudden outburst -_- anyway we came to an agreement and everyone was happy. but tomorrow's gonna be quite screwed :s boo just hope we dont embarrass ourselves can le (: go yuqing! (hahahah) go 3p! go 2p! lets just live life one day at a time, without worrying too much about the future. Sunday, October 15, 2006 alright. im back after 5 days and it felt like 5 months? just when the whole week i have so many things to blog about, then my internet had to crash on me ): be prepared for a really long post. not joking! wednesday went out to town with peiyi and charmaine. liyi couldn make it, that was sad ): anyway after promising peiyi that she'll be punctual, charmaine is late again! lol. but anyway we headed to cine's kbox where we got cheated by the people inside!!! so angry, hurrrr. but anyway we were high for those 4 hours where we innocently spent our time. sang weird songs, releashed memories from 5566 and energy!!! goodness i miss energy so much, when they still had 5 people. anyhow we got out of cine in a huff, with charmaine whining for the rest of the day. went to hmv and man, we saw this cd by kimjeonghoon. and shooooo charmaine is at the cd display and thte place where you can try listening to the cd. thinking she'll spend only a few minutes on them, i stood beside her and waited. however, after one song, two songs, three songs and she's still listening, i wandered off ahaha! half an hour i came back, and charmaine was still listening to kimjeonghoon! not only that, she had her eyes closed and she was swaying slightly to the music. hahahhahah faints. after kind of pestering her she got off the player and it was MY TURNNNN! hahha. and being korean music lover i am, i spent more time on it than charmaine and after tossing a coin i bought the cd. yay! didnt regret. had some conflicts at the counter though, regarding the poster. after noticing that the poster the person gave was torn, we went back up again and tried asking for a change. the person was quite cross and in turn gave me a much smaller poster telling me "not everyone gets a poster okay!" i confirmed my suspicions that the man didnt know i was supposed to get kimjeonghoon's poster by checking it; the poster was twins! so i went back to the counter and showed the man my kimjeonghoon cd. he was super paiseh but he still acted cross larrr. like -_-" anyway the giant poster is up in my room now :D saw a few sec2 people, naiying and her friend, and waner and her friend. haha. town is a frequent for sn ppl. thursday games carnival!!! purity got the (imaginary) sparkling dazzling title for second overall! man, all of us couldn believe our ears so we were kind of chi2 dun4 before we screamed all we could. floorball was fabulous, and like i said, june was damn shuai(agreed by all other softball players). she damn cool la, half the time playing with one hand. softball was not very encouraging but fun all the same! and yay thanks to my friend who told me "xiaowei, ure damn good at pitching cos ppl cannot hit ur balls" she made me damn high :D but thats not all true larrrr. im not that good -_- batting was a furious affair, thanks to my rotten luck that day. first bat took the bat. striked the first two balls. third ball got hit, and i ran until the moment i step in the hoop the fielder caught the ball in her hands. i was out. 2nd bat picks up bat. siren sounds. game end. 3rd bat took the bat. striked first two balls again. hit the third ball, and chionnnnnnged like mad hoping i wont be as unlucky as the first time and when i stepped into the hoop i saw the ball fly into the fielder's hands again. turned around to look at belinda. she said, "uhh xiaowei out." 4th bat. took the bat. my friends cheered for me hoping i wont repeat history. striked the first one. 2nd ball came, i hit! ball flewwwww. i ran! den 1st hoop. turn to see where the ball was. flew out of range. continue running to 2nd hoop. turned and saw all my teammated frantically pointing for me to go to next hoop. ran to 3rd one. turned and checked the ball, still out of range. heard teammates screaming and i rannnn~~~ back home! home run! cheers! hahha. okay. quite stupid talking like that. happy mah, long time nv blog le. after sch went to macs with liyi and charmaine, forgot what we did hahahha. went home and watched my dear goong! friday father simon came again this year. it was just as inspiring as last year, and made me reflect about very different stuff. cried again. booo. last yr i cried about my mom. this year i cried about my dad, my big bro and my 2nd bro. next yr i think i will cry for myself, LOL! hahah joking. to those people who thinks im mean, pls look here man. i went to hug miss choo (: gave hugs to the few very impt friends in my life. a lil message here to each (: weiling im sorry to have made you cry with my hug. we will always always be hearttalkers and we have proven that time and distance do not do us apart. we will find a day to talk real soon, dearest friend (: yanbing i do still honour you as my best friend. and thanks for telling me that too. it is amazing how we can still talk openly even though we are only in the same class for one year (: will always give you my brain cell and help you think when you have problems yeah (: i believe you'll do the same too for me right? haha. vanessa new friend yeah! was still quite tentative about our friendship until you came over and looked for me. thanks, ur super precious hug was an indication of faith in our friendship from your part. im glad i have you as my friend and hey, my hugs are precious too okay! sally and elaine i love you two! after school was lishi meeting, and laoshi gave some news that sent the sky crashing lol. not really crashing, there were pros and cons and the only thing i could say is that im looking forward to huahui next year (: at night went to the playground with new friend. first after so long, other than the stupid backache spoiling my mood haha. nf's worse, she's got both wrists hurting, a more terrible backache and four small tears on her hand. tsk and she says she doesnt know where she got it! must have some hidden secrets. she vandalised the wall underneath my block! tsk! but anyway it was a nice night spent! saturday woke up late into the noon, and started watching liuxinghuayuan. apparently new friend's lonely-ly doing her puzzle at home so she came over and we watched liu xing hua yuan tog! hahhaha. she damn excited/flustered/frantic/shocked diao everytime got small kissing scene larrr (she's gonna kill me for saying this haha) wonder how she can survive the next few episodes -_- anyhow we became hungry and YAY! we had maggi mee! i cooked! finally got one time i cook for her, hahah. and she had to go home to prepare for some wedding dinner. funny things happened, i dont want mention hahhahah. but i really didnt mean to push her out man! at night went out to look for new sofa! but it was unproductive; we went to have katong laksa instead. and i must say, when going to the specialised katong laksa shop, order nothing but the katong laksa. cos anything other that the katong laksa tastes quite bad. and it isnt exactly very comfortable when you can see the shop owner's photos taken with celebrities pasted all around you. and when i say all around you, i mean it. sunday (today) my phone kept playing tricks on me me ): esp the buttons 7, enter and 9. at times the phone had a life of its own and just kept coming out different numbers and screens. if liyi were to carry my phone at that time, she sure die of fright. ponned flute cos of ulcer, and spent the few hours around 'playing' and goofing in PS with new friend. was damn fun and half the time we were like having a mime and wouldnt talk. spent a quality time in the new shop that resembles spotlight and sold brown undies -_- nf proudly pointed them out to me, lol! spotlight was damn fun, there were hats and all and that bad girl poked me with the devil's spear! bought laoshi's chocs from carrefour, and went to mos to sit. had corn soup while nf had ichigo bliss and her marshmallows (: nice nice. damn fun/ny. its great to laugh so much hahah. went to meet my parents and headache acted up. went to vivocity and man that place is huge! and cool! but couldn shop too long cos 1. the place is for rich people! all the branded goods. 2. the place is damn cold! 3. my headache was quite serious. so i went home and yepp its 0037 hours now. i took an hour plus blogging. very long huh! :D tomorrow's dooms day. and lets count the things coming up. 1. rally and campaign. 2. preparation for colours award. 3. talentime. die! my head almost burst thinking of ideas yesterday. nah, cant do anything now. just do our best and enjoy ourselves (: woohoo, what a long post. hope i didnt give the reader a headache too. Tuesday, October 10, 2006 whole day at home watch goong lorh. and occasional exclamations to liyi who was watching too. hope she can make it to kbox tomorrow ): otherwise no one sing with me all the love songs hahahaha! subtlety is my strength. my big bro is back the 3rd consecutive night, last night he was back and he disturbed my math revision by watching mr bean in my room. so tonight he's sleeping in my room. he snores. early morning, set out for liyi's house (: the breakfast made by her and her mum is like super fantabulous! its almost the only proper breakfast i've ever had (: heaven! thanks! practised math....? she forced me to study. i could understand but no use cos i dunno how to apply. so apparently my amath paper is gonna look quite nice. sang wuding. not bad, we could sing it quite in sync for firsttimers! yayyyy. supposed to go kbox tomorrow. but maine and peiyi ahhhh. pangseh us. after the paper and after the pmb meeting met up with yanbing and went to town. didnt manage to share much cos of multiple reasons. but anyway i had fun. i must announce that: i eat slower than yanbingggg!!! how can that be!! i can still rmb in sec one when we eat orange bowl i would finish a whole bowl while she barely started, and i would just stare and smile at her. hahah! shit la. i must eat faster. and she got very amused about someone's name -_- couldn stop laughing! saw a few grps of people in town, tsk. should have gone to vivocity. and i saw my pri bestfriend! alright, cant say too much anyway. came home and chiong goong lorhh. to newfriend, if you ever see this. please learn to love yourself. thats the only way you can start to love others. i wont give up hope in you though it may start to run thin. but i will never give up cos i rmb the words i always repeated since last yr. i guess its just that i dont really have much faith anymore in our friendship after all has happened. but since we're new friends. we shall start anew, and i will renew my faith in you. all i ask from you is to never say sorry to me, or say you will disappoint me. if you cant believe in yourself, i'll feel very fruitless and useless? and believe me when i say im alright. cos how can i ever want you to not believe me right -_- its long. many more things to tell you but you weren't in the mood. and when i dont tell you, it doesn mean im hiding. just trust me. its ur choice of course. bless you. not walao this time. Sunday, October 08, 2006 sigh. saw this quote in the mrt. forget today's failure, look forward to tomorrow's success. you are what you... something. hahhaha. forget the last sentence. apparently my memory failed me. but nevertheless it struck me. boo. so im gonna be tortured another whole week. and with my ulcer, how to play the flute ): math tomorrow. and off somewhere(havent thought of what) with yanbing. and we had to have pmb meeting! bahhhh. feel so sorry to my friend -_- den i'll come home feeling very light(cos after exams and after immense spilling to yanbing) and chase after all my shows. hahhahah. already planned! 1. wei xiao pasta (can only watch once a week ): ) 2. goong (will finish very fast man!) 3. ai qing mo fa shi (left on the shelf very long le) 4. ai sha 17 (cont after episode 2 where i stopped) 5. ge dou tian wang (rewatch) 6. lv guang sen lin (rewatch) 7... 8... 9... okay. apparently alot more but i dont want plan so early :D no time to watch finish le. sigh, math. sigh. i forgot to come again, hahah. supposed to watch 3rd epi of goong today, with the permission from my mum. but june swept me away with this blog from a 933 dj. though i've only heard of him on the radio the very few times i listen to 933 nowadays, i must say that im attracted to dingzhiyong!!!! he is damn funny in his blog la, and he got style. haha. im like reading all his archives? okay sounds abit eccentric :/ watch goong. Saturday, October 07, 2006 i feel kind of lost in my own class. my big bro is back for the night (: chatted quite long and he could play my flute! pro la, my former music idol :D hahah. really, my brother was my music inspiration. it was really hazy tonight, felt sick when i got onto the streets. it was unbelievably hazy, if those people whom did not go out didnt see. however, when you start seeing things in a blur, it'll look like ure peering through a kaleidoscope, the sparkly scattered colours green red orange yellow... dreamy and beautiful. isnt it great that there are times like this in your life, just when everything is turning for the worse, you meet a peaceful and beautiful occurance that suddenly makes you feel that the world aint completely shit. after the very very tiring geog paper met up with the sec2s with charmaine and waited for the lit people to finish theirs. den as part of 3rd lishihui we literally bounced off for central to do... some impt stuff -sheepish grin- its not the first time i realise that 3rd lishihui is a mad crazy insane deranged bunch of lunatics that get super high out of nowhere. at the bus stop, weiling was attempting to give maine hope, so she told maine to look at her. so i helped emphazised the point by depicting to maine that she was looking at (faces weiling) H (gestures head) O (gestures shoulders) P (gestures stomach) E (gestures legs) and somehow it sent the sec2s and a few other sec3s laughing like crazy. and the ironic thing is, i didnt know it was so funny. hahahha! but it was a good laugh (: yunjie became miss striptease because she was hot. originated from jacq and weiling! at bangawan solo the few of us who were group incharge went high and crazy again, as well as having a very much pushing-responsibility-in-arguing with ziqin over jacq's phone! it was damn funny, no one could outtalk ziqin until ziai took the phone and tada! everything settled. bus-ed with weiling, its long since we talked but of course like i said, there wont be any distance between us cos i've got faith in our friendship (: yes, we should really talk soon too, catch up with each other. miss you! and man, speaking of that, i really cant wait for the steamboat outing again! yiling weiling yanbing elaine!!! quick plan (: today was a good day, didnt start off too well but its good that i gained energy subsequently (: it is yet another time i have sat down and counted my blessings to be in the world with all these people in my life. and of course, liyi. we must go kbox soon! forget everything that happened this week, they're poof! gone! to anyone who may feel devastated or tired, the sun is shining and it all depends on yourself whether you want to raise ur head and embrace it (: to all my cherished friends, i love you! Friday, October 06, 2006 im taking you as a benchmark. the coffee in my house SUCKS!! i prefer the latte at 7-eleven, which i had in the evening (: so long and im still on agriculture. nvm. slow and steady win the race. i can do it! Thursday, October 05, 2006 things happened at home. and whyyyy only i know? big pressure. i dread friday. no i dread sunday more. monday quick come. i need to talk to yanbing ): Tuesday, October 03, 2006 chem sucked, no time. chinese sucked, no time too. cabbed to compasspoint with christie yingteng jiayun and june, nice choice cos the bus stop was so full, the bus couldn take everyone. had lunch with june in cp then went home. was quite funny when we separated, into two long different paths. when i look back and see her walking away in another direction, its so dramatic. haha. vigorously practised flute the min i got home. den slept. had coffee. i give up geogggg!!!! Monday, October 02, 2006 physics? haha. one haha and the fullstop says it. wheres my wei xiao pasta? i need its motivation! im giving up on geog. lol. i hate school. i hate recess and i hate breaks. haha. no one knows why. Sunday, October 01, 2006 alright, saw someone wearing a funny shirt today. funny as in the content but not the image :D lets all imagine a black shirt, with a big white 'puma' in capital letters(my blog forbids capital letters you see) and a white leopard/jaguar next to it. now lets picture another black shirt, and in the same huge white font in capital letters, write "tuna" and next to it is a fish. i almost laughed in public when i crossed that darn guy wearing the shirt!!! nice imitation, tuna (: die. im damn scared for next sunday's lesson! june didnt have piano today but i still met her at cp :) had cheezito pockett! yay hahah. went to buy the card and home. good luck june! ahhhhhhhh cannot wait for tomorrow! taiwan just finished watching weixiao pasta (: hohoho. i dont give a damn anymore, to some stuff. yay! i went to sleep happily this morning, having caught up with all the episodes of wei xiao pasta! now can only wait for monday for the next episode to be uploaded cos taiwan watches it sunday night (: i did study okay! thanks new friend for waking me up though i was quite stupid -_- and sorry about the study session, cut short two hours. but next time if we study again, NO slacking!!!! home and as i expected, slept! shit larrr, im so shitty. woke up feeling super guilty so started doing tys haha. yay i understand energy alr. went for dinner at casuarina curry (again!! my mum loves that place larh) at 11, nice time. just came back. physics and geoggggg. go and die. |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |